About the GAV MAC

A municipal advisory council is a local group of citizens that have been appointed by the Board of Supervisors to provide recommendations on matters of local concern in a particular unincorporated community. These matters vary but can include things such as public safety, roads, or land use planning. All MAC projects should aim to fulfill a MAC’s two primary functions, an advisory function, and an advocacy function.

The Geyserville Alexander Valley Municipal Advisory Council (GAV MAC) covers the unincorporated areas of Geyserville and Alexander Valley. The GAV MAC consists of nine board members: Deborah Bertolucci, Gretchen Crebs, Adriane Garayalde, Sarah Hafner, Larry Heiges, Paul Izzo, Walter Kieser, Ceci Muela and Brian Petrie. Non voting community panelists include: Gabriel Pattee, Cosette Trautman-Scheiber, Marshall Turbeville and Kathy Zunino. Dallas Saunders: Secretary.

The GAV MAC meets every fourth Wednesday of the month at the Northern Sonoma County Fire Station in Geyserville to discuss ongoing projects and future projects. This council follows the rules and regulations of the Ralph M. Brown Act and is open to the public.

The goal of the GAV MAC is to not only facilitate community improvement projects but also serve as a forum for community input and concerns.